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5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Pests

5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Pests

Getting your home or business pest-free can be challenging. After all, pests are everywhere — from your neighbors’ homes to commercial properties and beyond. When you own a property, keeping your home pest-free is important because not only can they cause damage to your belongings, but they can also spread disease and pose a health risk as well. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to get rid of pests without going through any hassles.

Get Rid of Pests the Old-School Way: With Biology and Environment

If you’re a bit skeptical of the contact-free methods available to get rid of pests, then you might want to consider this. The old-school way to get rid of pests is to use biological pest control methods. Now, biological pest control is still used today, but it’s not nearly as common as it once was. For example, in the past, folks would grow certain types of flowers throughout their property. Then, they would leave the flowers in the garden so that pests would eat the nectar and pollen contained within the flowers. In doing so, these pests would essentially be poisoned and die off. Doing so would get rid of unwanted insects and other pests.

You can grow many of these plants either indoors or in your garden, bringing clippings indoors. Examples are lavender, lemongrass, marigold, mint and rosemary.

Use Chemicals to Get Rid of Pests

There are plenty of reasons to use chemicals to get rid of pests. In most cases, the goal of chemicals is to kill the pest. While there are instances where you might want to simply repel the pests away, for the most part, the purpose of using chemicals is to eliminate them completely. Now, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t use these chemicals if you don’t have a thorough understanding of what you’re doing. Similarly, you shouldn’t use them if they’re in any way unsafe to the environment or your family. And, you shouldn’t use them if they’re not truly necessary. For example, you don’t need to use pesticides on your fruits and vegetables if you’re growing them in your backyard. And, you don’t need to use pesticides on the exterior of your home if you’re using effective home remedies like washing your windows and sealing your cracks.

If you’re considering using chemicals then it is best to consult with experts. For instance, termite control can be particularly difficult and sometimes requires carefully baiting and killing in a way that leads to colony collapse. Whereas wasp control needs an entirely different approach.

Install an Effective Extermination Device

Extermination devices are a type of electronic pest control that’s designed to kill off pests by emitting an electric current. Now, these devices are typically placed in a room where the pests are located. As the device is turned on, the pests are killed off and the device is turned off. Once the pests are gone, the device is turned off. Extermination devices are an effective way to get rid of pests. In fact, they’re so effective that exterminators use them to kill off pests that aren’t accessible to other types of chemicals, like in attics and walls. That way, the device can kill off the pests that are located in those structures and leave behind nothing but dust.

Protect the Protection Zone and Eliminate Interlopers

Here’s one tip that you probably haven’t thought of. You can use a simple method to protect the protection zone — that is, you can use it to protect against interlopers. What you do is go to your backyard, for example, and plant flowers in your flower beds. You can use a variety of flowers, but they should be flowering-season flowers, like roses and daisies, to begin with. Now, when you go to water your flowers, make sure to water the ones that are outside of the protection zone. And, make sure to water the ones that are outside of the protection zone especially heavily. What you’re doing is creating a scent barrier between the inside of your property and the outside world.

Trap the Infestation and Seal the Traps

You can also trap the infestation and seal the traps. What you’re doing is covering the areas where you’ve seen pests with fabric sheets, which you then seal or tie off. There are plenty of fabric sheets on the market today, so it’s easy to find one that suits your needs. With the fabric sheets, you’ll want to seal the cracks in your home, walls, and windows. You’ll also want to seal air vents and other places where pests might be able to get into your home.


When it comes to getting rid of pests in your home or business, you don’t have to do it the hard way. Instead, you can use biological pest control methods, use chemicals to get rid of pests, and install an effective extermination device. You can also trap the infestation and seal the traps. With these strategies, you’ll be able to keep your home and business pest-free for years to come.